Hydro Mobile

MA • NH • ME • RI • MD • NC • SC • DE • VA

For increased productivity, worker safety, and reliability… Ultimately, for greater profits and fewer headaches… Choose A Hydro Mobile mast-climber for your next construction project.

Hydro Mobile designs and manufactures hydraulic mast-climbing work platforms that integrate innovative structural, mechanical, ergonomic and safety features to increase productivity, facilitate project completion, reduce worker fatigue and considerably decrease the risk of injuries.

Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding Co., Inc. has over twenty years experience with the Hydro Mobile line of products. We at Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding Co., Inc. are happy to assist you with site lay-out and incorporating your expense into a bid. We can train your staff how to run these well-designed systems, or if you prefer, we have staff available for product installation, operation and disassembly.

Hydro Mobile
has a diverse line of products designed for specific industries and tasks. Two of their most popular series are highlighted below.


The P-Series is the perfect tool for smaller jobs that require high capacity or for restrained work area where most platforms can’t fit, whether for new construction or restoration. With its high load capacity (6,000 lbs at 28′ length) to size ratio, it is ideal for multi-residential or small commercial masonry jobs between 15′ and 100′ in height. What’s more, it’s easy to transport and quick to assemble for a very attractive price/performance ratio. See pictures of projects here. View a video of the Hydro-Mobile P-Series Here.

m-series hryo mobile lynn ladderM-Series

The M-Series is the workhorse of Hydro Mobile’s platforms. It is the perfect tool for any facade work that requires high capacity, whether for new construction or restoration. With a load capacity of 20,000 lb, and a climbing rate of 3′ per minute, it is perfect for masonry (brick or block), stone or marble facade work from 20′ to 250′ in height. See pictures of projects here. View a video of the Hydro-Mobile M-Series Here.

For more information on the Hydro Mobile product lines, their features and benefits, visit hydromobile.com

For product recommendations and rental pricing, contact your local branch (see above) today. We look forward to working with you!

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